Download Latest Version of Tinyumbrella for iOS 6.1.2

| April 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

After the successful release of IOS 6.1.2, Notcom has decided to launch the latest version of his TinyUmbrella to preserve the SHSH blobs for 6.1.2 firmware. He launches this version before a few days ago. TinyUmbrella is a tool that is used to backup the SHSH blobs for IOS versions which can further use to downgrade the device.

Tiny Umbrella for iOS 6.1.2This news will sound good to hear that apple users now can download the latest version of TinyUmbrella for 6.1.2. This will help users to downgrade their devices on to the previous jailbroken versions of IOS by making backup of their SHSH blobs via this tool. In this article, you will find two direct links to download its version, see below text to search out the way to download TinyUmbrella 6.12.00.

TinyUmbrella to Save SHSH Blobs:

SHSH Blobs for iOS 6.1.2If you update your device to IOS 6.1.2, then you have to download 6.12.00 version of this tool to resolve the issue of exchange bug. It is easy to use to preserve SHSH blobs and can store these for further use to downgrade your device with the latest firmware.

See Also: iFaith App for Mac OS X

It becomes necessary for people who have new devices with the old version of firmware and want to upgrade it with the latest IOS version of 6.1.3 then you can backup all SHSH blobs which enables you to use it when you wish to downgrade your device with your prior version it may be IOS 6.1.1, without which you cannot take it back to the previous jailbroken version.

Download TinyUmbrella 6.1.2 for Mac and PC:

download latest version of Tiny Umbrella for 601.2Before going to download TinyUmbrella’s new version, one thing you have to keep in mind that it will not work for your latest version of 6.1.3 because it was just made for the second latest jailbreakable firmware of IOS 6.1.2. Here you will find information about Mac and Window systems.

See Also: Downgrade IOS 6.1.3 Using iFaith

  1. If you are a user of Window system, then consider the given link to download it directly by going to this link TinyUmbrella for Windows. Once you download this, you become able to use this tool for backup the whole SHSH blobs for your jailbroken IOS version by which you can take back your device on to the prior jailbroken version of IOS. For example,
  2. For people using Mac system click this link TinyUmbrella for Mac to view the page, there you will find the options to download latest version of TinyUmberlla 6.12.00 for backing up your SHSH blobs of IOS firmware. Tap to download this tool and wait for minutes until it will complete downloading after that, you can avail the facility providing by this version.
  3. Except this, go to the main setting then tap general and view updates folder to find the required version of TinyUmbrella by using iTunes method.

Category: Apps, Updates

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+