9 Best Cydia Apps for iPhone

| March 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Jailbreak is a way by which you can use latest Cydiaprogramming system and can install many best cydia apps on your device from uploading its store. It makes possible for those devices that are free from rules developed by the apple administrations and the only way to break their rules is the jailbreak method which enables the idevices to download fast and some locked applications which normal formatted devices cannot upload.

Cydia Apps Nine Grinds

There are a lot best cydia apps are available to download for jailbroken devices like instantsnap, download and newsstand, torch app, status tab and so on. Here you will read some important apps of cydia like:

iSeries App

iSeries App downloadFor people who have interest in watching movies and other programs to enjoy at home or anywhere you are, iSeries application support you to search TV programs and movie links which you want to see and make its search easy for you in short time.

Status Tab

Status Tab DownloadSome users love to play video games on their iPhones or iPads via online or by downloading that it serve battery too fast then Status Tab help you to view the battery status on your display screen in shape of notification bar and you can set its options according to your need.

Animer App

AnimerAppMoreover, you can change your notification setup by giving it animations and it will make more interesting and nice. This can only be possible by applying Animer app on your device to change the display of notification.

Torch App

Torch  AppIn the notification center, Torch app is the way to take you towards the dark side by tapping the screen.

Flag Point

Flag PointFlagPoint is one of the best application of cydia through which you change he colors of whole notifications like Gmail has a yellow color, twitter has a red color and facebook has blue color. All colors will be your own choice and also these are changeable.

Writeup App

Writeup AppAnother best and useful application of cydia is Writeup application that make it possible for user to write their story or to write their articles or whatever that want to write. It is especially useful when you have not your laptop and you want to do your written work so this application makes it easy for users to save their times and to release their tensions.

Music Box

Music Box appAn interesting app of cydia is to allot ring tones to loved ones or friends and work members. By using the application of MusicBox you can differently allot the ring tones according to the status of relations.

BigU MoviesApp

BigU Movies AppBigUMovies is a simple application to watch movies online and it gives opportunity to people to utilize their leisure time and they get enjoyed with this app.

News Stand App

News Stand App

Download to NewsStand is one of the best apps of cydia by which you can store the download pages for future use and can review these pages at any time without having problem of downloading.These best cydia apps are available at side to download and to utilize these on your devices. 

Category: Apps, iphone

Author: Megan Roose()

Megan is fan worm of science and was born just ahead of potential tech market startups. She is civil engineer by profession and got certified from university of California in 2004. Google+