5 Most helpful iPad Apps for Senior Citizens

| March 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Pill Reminder Pro

Pill Reminder ProPill Reminder Pro is a health and safety oriented iPad App for senior people. Most respected societies pay respect and value to senior people in the society. This amazing app reflects the same perception of taking care of seniors. This app works simply to give reminders about medication. It includes the name of the pill, medicine dosage and time to take it.


VizWizVizWiz gives entertainment. It completely shows a new way for many people to spend some great time when they have nothing to do. VizWiz app has the ability to provide a unique service in which users can take pictures and link up their voices and receives responses in the form of voices against their pictures. Senior citizens would love to make new friends, they can talk to their family members, and they can send funny voice messages to their grand-children.


Read2GoEbooks readership is growing rapidly. Amazon Kindle and Nook are the big names of the industry of Ebook reader products which provide E-book reading facility to the customers through these products. Read2Go helps people to find out and browse Ebook resources for readers from different sources. This iPad app has the feature to assistance like increasing the font size, text-to-voice changer over and many other options to facilitate senior people.


DriveGainDriveGain is an iPad app that works to help people while driving a car. It engages you to drive in the safest and best possible way in order to ensure your safety. In addition to that, this iPad app will guide you to in saving fuel of your car and using the car in the way to make sure engine’s capacity does not compromise. DriveGain can be installed on the senior citizens iPad devices, and it will be connected with car’s GPS system to start guiding them about fuel saving and car safety and speed control management system. Seniors usually don’t have very good memory and keeping things together is difficult for them, by adopting such apps, we can help them in living a safe and sound life.


iPad Apps for Senior citizens idealoidealo is another ipad and IOS app which can be pretty useful for the senior citizens of every society. We usually try to provide more relaxing, easy and useful things to the seniors to spend happy and good time, then

Why not such a great iPad App to assist seniors?

Idealo enables seniors who are price-conscious and look to find most competitive and less prices through thousands of retailers on the panel. This iPad App will be a useful app to utilize for IOS lovers and especially senior citizens.

Category: Apps, ipad

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+