Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

| July 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

With the summer in full swing, lots of case manufacturers are turning their consideration towards the fall, that means we have got some Marvelous iPhone cases in this week’s roundup. If the high fashion is not your thing, we have also got a couple of high~tech accessories your observing and protecting pleasure.


From the famous clothing and attire chain comes the amazing Tesseled ($38) for iPhone 5, a solid, snap~on case with an intaglio theme and 4 tassels hanging from the loop on the top~left corner.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

It has been made from a combination of plastic, leather, and silk, it comprises all appropriate cutouts to confirm that you can continue to like availability to your handset’s controls and cameras while the case is on.


The amazing Exotic Wood Cover Series ($60) for iPhone 5 is caused to perfection by a solid piece of the wood bonded to high~quality plastic shell which saves your iPhone while giving it natural, warm look and feel.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

The case comes in a wide range of woods, comprising walnut, rosewood and ebony.


Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

The amazing Altos ($55) for iPhone 5 is a wallet~style snap case has been made from the premium European leather, with a hard~plastic cradle which holds your handset securely in place.


The enchanting Vivid plus ($25) for iPhone 5 is durable and light, and it is available in a variety of bold and bright colors comprising pink, orange, cyan, and lime green.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

Vivid plus gives protection against scratches and shocks, with a tight~fitting  body made from the custom~molded, high~quality plastic with a high~gloss finish.

Spigen SGP

The attractive Ultra Fit ($10) for iPhone 5 has been made from thin~but~resilient polycarbonate which gives you awesome protection without pointlessly bulking up your iPhone.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

Available in smooth white, metal slate, or smooth black, and incorporates a particular coating which gives it an awesome grip to help avoid accidental drops.


The amazing Kaptur ($39) for iPhone 4 and 4S aids you get better photos by giving a solid grip panel that is located far from the lens, so helping you better calming your hand while getting a shot or 2.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week Available in white, black, or a panda edition, that allows you to mix and match panels of various colors into your elegant combination. The version of  an iPhone 5 is also on the way.


The attractive YellowJacket ($110 to $140) for iPhone 4, 4S and 5 packs a punch of its own by including a 650,000 volt stun gun~giving the term ‘protective device’ an entire new meaning.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

Though you are improbable to get it via airport security, you can get yours in yellow, white, pink, or black.


The enchanting Fossil Austin ($23) for iPhone  5 keeps things smile~but dashing~with a polyurethane construction and a slim design which protects your handset while confirming that you continue to love access to all controls, ports, and cameras.

Marvelous iPhone Cases This Week

Available in blue,black, or orange, with the chevron motif in green, white, or red, respectively.


Category: Accessories

Author: Addison Mel()

Addison is an instructor of game design and multimedia developer in some technical college; he is also an active member of Microsoft gaming and app precincts. Google+