Hex’s Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

| June 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

With its handy pockets and a stylish exterior, Hex’s Code Folio $80 for the 3rd and 4rd generation iPad is a very good choice for the business folks that travel with iPad or take it with them to the meetings. Hex’s Code Folio comes in different colors like gold, tan, black, red between pink, or pink.

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

It is made from solid leather that it gives a very attractive professional feel and look. Elastic strap also has been included so that you can easily shut the cover when it is not in use. One thing best that I found in it that its tight strap making it stronger.

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

3 card slots have been made in the Hex’s Code Folio case so that you can easily put your business cards, credit cards and two additional pockets to store paper, notepads and documents. Penholder also added in this nifty iPad case which has been made from tight elastic making it stronger.

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business StyleA sturdy piece of plastic which is half inch thick  to hold the iPad which is very good for those who want to secure their iPads in a good case. The frame of the Hex’s Code Folio is very durable that it saves your iPad from drops and bumps which is very major thing that attracts many users.

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

The attractive Hex’s Code Folio case gives two ways that you can stand up your iPad in different positions. Both configurations are best to use and work perfectly with the iPad. You can adapt such positions to watch the movie or other stuff.

Hex's Code Folio Guards Your iPad With Smooth Business Style

It would be great for your iPad if you go for the amazing Hex’s Code Folio case as it comes with the stylish look and amazing interior and exterior style. It is the best way to make your iPad elegant and jaunty.

Category: Accessories

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+