CalDigit Introduced Thunderbolt Docking Station

| April 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

CalDigit introduced thunderbolt docking station to resolve the upcoming problems for Apple users especially MacBook and iMac systems. No doubt iMac is a fantastic choice of people to work and made to fulfill the demands of users on the other side, it seems difficult to attach extra devices with it to get our purpose and create a messy condition. Same problem have been seen for MacBook users but it will not persist now due to the CalDigit.

CalDigit introduced thunderboltThis will allow users to attach their devices with one computer and it will take little space to adjust with your system and will increase the performance of your computer. It has many features and specified for having two thunderbolts that will facilitate users than other thunderbolts of Sonnet, Matrox and Belkin etc. Scroll down the page to view more about it.

See More: iPhone Docking Station for Music

Features and Compatibility:

CalDigit Introduced Thunderbolt Docking StationIt is made of an aluminum material and a square type box that contains all functionality to make easy use of connectivity. It has a headphone, 3.0 USB and microphone ports along with HDMI. The thunderbolt station also has dual thunderbolt jacks so users can attach additional devices. CalDigit introduced thunderbolt docking station, a unique source that can merge wires of all devices at one place to facilitate users. It also has Gigabit Ethernet and FireWire ports to connect it with thunderbolt.

See Also: Thunderbolt Dock Drive

You just need to have a single cable to make connections of devices with your computer system but you have to buy this personally because it is not available with this device. For this you have to buy that thunderbolt TM cable to make connection between both devices then you will become able to attach other devices with your system unless you cannot do that. Furthermore, it is a device that can be purchased for any type of your operating system whether it will be an iMac. MacBook or other computers and can be adjust according to your need.

Availability of CalDigit:

CalDigitWhen you will go to purchase thunderbolt station then, you will get a chance to view many other thunderbolt devices in market having different features with lower prices in which Belkin, Sonnet and Martox are in list, but these are not as effective as this one is. That is why CalDigit introduced thunderbolt to develop a station having a variety of docks in a more effective way. Don’t feel hesitate if you are a professional user of computers and has need to connect other devices with it and If you have decided to borrow this device, then spend 199 $ for it and can get the chance to avail the beautiful opportunity provided by this thunderbolt.

Category: Accessories

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+