An Airway iTouch Upgrade of iOS with Controlling Principles

| February 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

iOS is an operating system which is upgrading with the passage of time and now its 6th version is available to install on iPhone, iPad or iTouch systems. It works to boost up the device and increase its browsing and processing speed. iTouch upgrade IOS with its latest version can be possible by following two ways through which you can easily jumped up your device from previous version to the latest version of IOS. You have to assess your device first either it can install this version of iOS or not.

Before upgrading your device you have to make a backup to your files to prevent from tensions to lose it. In some cases after restarting the device, the stored data can become damage during this whole process so you have to save it first. You can also use iClouds for this purpose where you can store all your precious data which you need in future.

iTouch upgrade IOS with guiding

Ways to upgrade iTouch with iOS:

To upgrade iTouch IOS, there are two ways through which you can upgrade your device. Over the air is a wireless method using Wi-Fi connections and iTunes is a fast PC method with its latest version. You can use both ways. For both ways to upgrading the instructions are given below:

Over the Air way to Upgrade:

  1. First make a backup of your important files then start to upgrade your device
  2. Then connect your device to Wi-Fi, for which you have to need a strong connections
  3. Put your device plug into the socket for direct supply to prevent from battery issues
  4. Then open the setting
  5. Go to the general setting
  6. Tap the key to see updates about IOS versions
  7. Here you have to choose your required version of IOS to upgrade
  8. Then press the key to download or press another key with having the both options download or upgrade.
  9. Doing all that you have to wait for few minutes until your iTouch will restart after upgrading.
  10. Once your device will restart properly then it is the sign of completion.

iTunes Way to upgrade iOS:

It is a fast way to upgrade iOS and if you want to upgrade through computer then you have to follow these guidelines.

  1. First of all you need a latest version of iTunes to see the updates regarding IOS versions.
  2. Then attach your device to computer
  3. Open the iTunes setting
  4. Tap the button to see the updates
  5. Then you will see the available versions of IOS and select the one of your choice and tap to download this
  6. It will take some time and you have to wait for this. Do not try to do another task because it can stop your process.
  7. Once iTouch upgrade IOS it will restart and work through newly updated IOS.

Category: How-Tos, Updates

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+