Get Cool Wallpapers For Your iPhone using Photo Blur

| November 13, 2013 | 2 Comments

Get Cool Wallpapers For Your iPhone using Photo Blur

Photo Blur an iPhone app uses your existing pics to create some nice looking wallpaper for your iOS device like iPhone.

The application is so simple to use. Choose any photo from your backup, or get a snap directly from the application simply using your iPhone’s camera. You will see a slider which allows you to determine the volume of blur that you want to apply on your picture.

Get Cool Wallpapers For Your iPhone using Photo Blur

You can also choose different kinds of pattern to overlay your pic making it more elegant. There’s also another thing that you can do with your pic, shift the colors.

It really matters that how’s your photo, can it take the advantage of Photo blur or will it look awesome after applying Photo Blur options. I found many photos get disordered after applying this option as they aren’t ok for this application.

Get Cool Wallpapers For Your iPhone using Photo Blur

You also feel satisfied when someone says, oh my God! Did you make it on your own? I think that would be a great moment for you as this is a unique thing that you can do with your iPhone without copying from web or other source. So be creative with this captivating Photo Blur app and design a wallpaper for your iPhone.


Category: Apps

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+