2 factors Disclose The Apple’s Mission With The iPhone 5C

| September 14, 2013 | 0 Comments

The iPhone 5C has drawn sneers because it wasn’t the low cost device the tech industry projected. Here is why the Apple had something different up its sleeve.

When the leaks about iPhone 5C started showing up earlier that year, the tech industry watchers started speculating it, this was long conjectured iPhone Mini. Those prospects were just based only on the previous success of the iPod Mini, that was smaller and less costly than the Apple’s flagship iPod and went on to become the best selling model in the product line.

2 factors Disclose The Apple’s Mission With The iPhone 5C

If you want to know that what Apple’s doing with iPhone 5C and why it may make sense, here are 2 factors that disclose the Apple’s mission with the iPhone 5C:

  1. Apple didn’t announce a new iPod Touch

Every year we expect a new iPod touch at Apple’s annual (September) product event but this time it did not happen. While the Apple looked busy in selling last year’s iPad models ( they’re still available in the retail stores and at online store), the product is rapidly reaching end of life.

2 factors Disclose The Apple’s Mission With The iPhone 5C

In the July, The Apple reported in its incomes call that the units of iPod sold was down 32 percent year over year, one of the largest drops in the history of the product line. That is important because the iPod Touch has sustained to be a strong seller the past few years. In 2011, there were quarters when the iPod touch sales matched iPad sales.

The iPod touch was very popular among teens and kids, who may use it to enjoy some iPhone apps over the Wi-Fi. The Apple sold over eighty million iPod touch devices from 2007 to 2012.

While the entry level iPod touch never cost less than the $199, the same price as entry level iPhone on a two year wireless contract, the appeal was that, you did not have to pay $70 per month for a Smartphone contract with the data plan like you did with the iPhone. Although, the economics of the Smartphones have varied extremely over past 12 months.

  1. U.S. kids are converting to Smartphones

During the last year, the U.S. wireless carriers have presented family data plans, that have made it much more practical for the parents to get Smartphones for their children. A household with 2 adults that are already of $20 (Sprint), $10 (T-Mobile), $40 (Verizon), or $35 (AT&T).

2 factors Disclose The Apple’s Mission With The iPhone 5C

At the end, 37 perent of the U.S. teenagers own a Smartphone ( that is up from 23 percent in 2011), according to the Pew internet’s report, the Teens and the Technology 2013. Distinctly, the Zact 2013 mobile families survey, have found that the 44 percent of the U.S. kids (aged 12-17) are using Smartphone in 2013. It guesses this stats to grow to 51 percent in the 2014, 59 percent in 2015, 66 percent in 2016, and 73 percent in 2017.

Let’s not think of iPhone 5C as the low cost iPhone for the emerging markets. Apple might or might not make that product, but this isn’t it.

Instead, let’s think of iPhone 5C as the Apple’s iPod Touch replacement for a wave of kids that are about to convert to the Smartphones.


Category: News

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+