Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

| July 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

Welcome to the captivating iPhone apps this week as you are going to enjoy some new and innovative apps which come with unique options and features. We have assembled some of the best iPhone apps for you.

Bike Doctor ($5)

Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

For the beginning cyclist (or even experienced cyclist), allows you to repair your own bike with comprehensive knowledge as you cannot find it easily on the internet, those instructions won’t do well as they are not practical enough to solve your problems related to your bike. And it could be an expensive one but this Bike Doctor ($5) allows you to fix your bike with great ease and won’t let you go anywhere.

Highly Visual 2.0 ($3)

Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

Are you facing problem in focusing your news feeds from your mobile phones? If so then your problem is about to get a solution as it allows you to browse your feed with the powerful focus on the images. And you can read the small font-sized articles with great ease with the help of amazing Highly Visual 2.0 ($3). This is for those who were having that particular kind of trouble in focusing the browsed stuff.

Foresee ($1)

Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

If you have calendar app, weather app and the to do list app then you must have an app which gives you an optimal schedule to follow.  What about jogging in a rain and then doing laundry when the sun is present? Or perhaps you would love to run in the enchanting rain as it makes you please. Or you are really sensitive and want to avoid the sun directly. And now it’s between forsee and you. Actually it works perfectly when you input your favorite and unfavorite activities in the forsee and then it informs you automatically about the doing and not doing.

Intimatic (free)

Captivating iPhone Apps This Week

The innovative Intimate allows you to have fun with your pics. It simply takes your desired photo, using the face detection technology, and blurs out the identifying features. You still have many things to show off like your feet, clouds, sunsets.

Category: Apps

Author: Swagger Kaden()

Swagger has served his 9 years in Time Inc. and created several MAC and IPhone apps with a512KE llsi, he has done his exclusive jobs in Mellon Marry College of newspapers. He is specialized in editorial techs entertainment apps. Google+