Share things you hate with Hater iPhone App

| March 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Social networks sites and different social media apps are known for great sharing, friends connectivity, liking others sharings, networking with family and friends online but there is a new concept of social media which comes to the scene now in which negative social sharing is the purpose.


People use facebook, they share things they like on Facebook and twitter and even on the famous smart phone social sharing app Instagram. Normally social media sites and social apps are designed to help users to interact with friends and family to share light things of light with family and friends.


Jake Banks who is founder of Hater App’ believes that concept of ‘likes’ which is being used on many social media apps and networking sites could not impress him. He thinks differently, he keeps different point of view and can’t relate his intention with the concept of like’ for all the things we see on social media sites. He might have thought that:

Why to hit like on the things you dont like on Social Media?

Hater App has been brought into the market with the thinking to focus more on the reality rather than unintentional positivity which restricts the ability to be original. This type of plan and intention made Jake to develop the iPhone App Hater.  Hater social networking app allows you to share things you dont like or in simple words you just hated.

See Also: How to Share Live Video Streaming With Your iPhone?

There is a variety of types of things people share on the social media. Hater App provides you an opportunity to share things, tag friends to show the things you hated and captured through iPhone. Hater means straight and clear things you did not like. We hate different things in our daily routine, you are on the drive to office, traffic block near the office might make you late, you can take the picture of traffic jam and share with your friends through Hater app.

Category: Apps, iphone

Eadie Simpson

Author: Eadie Simpson()

Since 2001 eadie has been writing for apple and working as IT managing director and consultant for Hilleary School of tech and sciences. Google+